© Reed Rickert
Deep Water Soloing was the beginning of your climbing career. What do you prefer: climbing with or without a rope?
I’ve climbed some routes with a rope but honestly, I prefer climbing without a rope. And if I fall, then I fall into the water. That’s much more comfortable, I think. Sometimes, when I climb in the mountains, I forget to place gear or use chalk. Therefore, I rather go bouldering or Deep Water Soloing.
What are your favorite climbing areas in Mexico?
I really like Mineral del Chico, Peña de Bernal, Miradores del Mar and La Cueva de Actopan. But there is still a lot to discover for me, Peñoles for example. But this is a goal for the future.
You used to be a papaya farmer. Now you run your own climbing gym. Was it an easy choice for you to quit farming?
It was very hard for me because money is a very important factor. I like farming and I made more money as a farmer. Now I am happier, but I have less money in my account. (laughs). But it’s slowly getting better. Here in Mexico, it is hard to make a living from the sport you love. But we continue. Climbing is a great sport, and it can change your life for the better. And everyone can decide for themselves, how much they would like to throw themselves into it.